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Careers Page


UX Researcher
Visual Designer


Time to Complete:

3 Weeks

Client :



Lindsey Messenger
Tiago Mcgrath
Jordan Shackelford

Company Background

"OneSpring is a consulting company based in Atlanta, Georgia that is focused on advancing Human-centered design to their clients' most challenging problems. They were founded in 2005 by a group of strategists, designers, and technical experts with the goal of streamlining the way software applications are defined, designed, and developed. Early on they realized businesses would be much more successful in their software development efforts if they put users at the center of their solutions. Since then, OneSpring has gone on to serve some of the largest companies and government agencies in the world."

Project Timeline

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The Problem

One Spring's careers page wasn't attracting local UX designers and researchers searching for jobs. This could have been due to the lack of description, design, or placement of the careers page link. Whatever the problem, it was clear that a redesign was needed. This is where my team comes in. 

Our Task

Our task was to help One Spring attract local UX designers and researchers with a redesigned careers page. We took on this task intending to discover what job seekers like to see, how much they like to see, why they want to see it, and what heightens their interest in a job posting to the point that they want to apply. 

The Process

If you would like to jump to a specific section click on one of the icons below!


Competitive Analysis
Google Survey
Affinity Map




User Personas
How Might We

User Flows


Design Studio






Qualitative & Quantitative Research 

We wanted insight into what likes, dislikes, and experiences job seekers had during their search. So we sent out a google survey through various channels such as Linkedin, Slack, and Reddit, where we received a total of 19 responses and conducted 10 follow-up interviews. Through these interviews, we were able to get a more personal insight into the emotions and mindset that job seekers have during their search. 

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Stacking Up to the

We performed a competitive feature analysis to see how One Spring's current career and job posting pages matched up against local competitors. We compared One Spring's features to six other companies, Black Airplane, Thrive, Slalom, Grafik, and Big Nerd Ranch. We noticed that:

On the careers page...

  • 3 out of the 6 companies included local information

  • 4 companies included Company Benefits

  • And 5 out 6 companies included a section about company values

On the job posting page...

  • All companies include a section about required skills, position overview, and a place for attachments

  • 5 out of the 6 companies include a section about both company background and responsibilities 

  • And 4 out of the 6 companies include Educational Experience


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Key Findings

To better understand the users' pain points we took the information gathered from the survey and interviews and put it into an affinity map. Here is what we found:


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Lyric Bordeaux

Age: 33
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Occupation: Senior UX Designer 
Status: Single
Income: $105,000 annually


Lyric Bordeaux is a Senior UX Designer who is currently looking for a position with a new company. She has 5 years of experience working on both consumer and government-related brands. Lyric wants a quicker application process so that she has more time to network and job hunt.


  • To obtain a UX Designer job with a salary of at least 100k at a company that fits her values

  • A transparent and pain-free application process


  • Having to re-enter her resume information on an application

  • Needing to guess a position’s responsibilities

  • Not getting a confirmation that her application was received

  • The stress of being ghosted after applying

  • Being asked inappropriate preliminary questions

  • Being required to create a profile

  • Often intimidated by the job hunting process


  • Needs a job close to home - within 30-45 minute drive

  • Would prefer remote options

  • Prefers to work at an agency vs in-house

  • The ideal salary is around 100k

  • Wants the careers page to be very transparent with company culture, diversity & inclusion, benefits

  • Needs a quick application process that takes no more than 5-10 minutes

  • Needs a job posting that includes qualifications, required skills, and role responsibilities


Lyric needs...

A welcoming and candid careers page with well-tailored offerings, so that she can have a quick, accessible, and less daunting job searching experience.

User Flows

Here you'll see three different user flows to show the multiple options Lyric could choose. The first flow shows the main/ global navigation. This is where Lyric would decide whether or not she wants to read about the company before applying or just go straight to the careers page. Ultimately, Lyric will end up on the careers page where Lyric can see the positions listed. Once she has read the information about job requirements, she is ready to apply. 

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In the Homepage user flow, Lyric can scroll through the homepage to find the careers content block select it, and then go to the careers page. Once on the careers page, Lyric will scroll through the job postings and learn about the designer position. Once she has read through the information, she is ready to apply. 

In the footer navigation flow, Lyric can scroll to the bottom of any page and click the "careers" link. She will then be brought to the careers page, where she will follow the steps as before in the first two flows.

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The Design Process

For the design of the careers page, we came together as a group and performed a 1-hour design studio to quickly generate ideas that we would want to include in the design. After our design studio, we combined what we learned from the research with the ideas generated from the design studio to create some low-fidelity wireframes. We then discussed what we liked from each others sketches and decided what we wanted to incorporate in the design of the careers page. This led to the design seen in the mid-fidelity wireframes.​

Mid-Fidelity Wireframes



User Testing Results

Once we completed our mid-fidelity wireframes it was time to send them out for user testing. Here is what we found from the first round:
Key Findings

  • Users found it easier to apply via an embedded Typeform versus a modal format

  • Testers who had difficulty with the modal Typeform were more likely abandon/bounce the usability test

  • It took users almost 3 times longer to complete the modal Typeform

Final Product



Coming Soon!

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